Monday, August 18, 2008

He's a big boy now!!

Ok, now that Kristen has taught me how to blog, I'm a blogging fool! But since I'm so far away, this is my way of having you all be a part of our lives. Sooooo wish you could be here for all this stuff in person and not just looking at pictures. But since I can't change that any time soon.....

Today was Spencer's first day of school. That's right, my baby is a second grader. Don't ask me how that happened. He had a great day and seems to love his teacher. He's got lots of good buddies in his class with him so he's a happy camper. The great thing about Spenc is that I never have to worry about him much. He makes friends so easily and his teachers always love him. Spencer ROCKS! Two weeks from now I will also have 2 pre-schoolers. Josh on M-W-F and Allie will go T-TH. AHHHHH!!!!!

1 comment:

Kristen said...

Spence, you are the best! We love you so much. I bet 2nd grade is going to be a great year for you. We'll see you really soon! xoxox